Friday, March 19, 2010

The problem of gamma ray bursts has been completely solved

Mechanism-Revealed Physics (31/40) ----- by Bingcheng Zhao

Solving the problem of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) by discovering the source of GRBs: for about 40 years, the source of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) has been one of the greatest unsolved fundamental puzzles in physics and astrophysics. The problem of GRBs has been completely solved by identifying the mysterious source of GRBs via the combination of the newly established MRBHT and the known features of GRBs (P. 567 ~ 574, 5.8, Ch.5C, reference #1). (*Note, MRBHT = Mechanism-Revealed Black Hole Theory, P. 541 ~ 548, 5.5, Ch.5B, reference #1). Be clarified, in solving the problem of GRBs, the concept and implication of black holes is based on MRBHT, rather than from current postulate-based black hole theory, i.e., mechanism-revealed black holes rather than postulate-based black holes.

The conclusion that black holes are the source of GRBs, and GRBs occur via the explosions of black holes completely solves the puzzle of GRBs. Why? Because only this conclusion can fully match and explain all the five known features of GRBs: ultrahigh-energy and extraordinarily intense; short bursting time; higher energy gamma rays coming first in a single burst, and different GRBs releasing different amount of energy; random directions; irregular bursting frequency. Be emphasized or specially interested, the GRBs measured nearby Earth come from the black holes in our Milky Way galaxy, because the GRBs emitted from the black holes in foreign galaxies still cannot be so extraordinarily intense when arriving the location of Earth. In addition, six available clues, either supportive of or consistent with the very conclusion, have been provided and analyzed (P. 568 ~ 572, 5.8.2, Ch.5C, reference #1).

The key to understanding the solving the problem of GRBs: (i) the black holes revealed with MRBHT can emit light (photons), whereas gamma rays are photons. (ii) As long as you have known the greatest equation in the history of science, which is Einstein’s famous mass-energy equation (E = mc^2 or E0 = mc^2), you will easily understand the solving the problem of GRBs, because the law of object’s mass doing work (OMDW) (P. 93 ~ 109, Ch.1A, reference #1), which is the root of the solving the problem of GRBs (P. 895, reference #2), also reveals the mechanism behind the greatest equation (P. 114 ~ 118, Ch.1B, reference #1). (iii) The newly established MRBHT is the key to solving the fundamentally important problem of GRBs.

The fundamentally profound implications of the solving the problem of GRBs: the GRBs observed nearby our Earth cannot be ascribed to the explosions of supernovae (supernovas), because of the following three reasons (P. 572, reference #1). Reason 1: the explosions of supernovae are still far below the energy level of GRBs, thus unable to explain the most important also decisive feature of GRBs — ultrahigh-energy and extraordinarily intense (*Related knowledge: GRBs shine hundreds even thousands of times brighter than the explosion of a typical supernova). Reason 2: (let us temporarily put aside reason 1), if the GRBs observed nearby our Earth are ascribed to the explosions of supernovae in our Milky Way galaxy, then the available information, which is that statistically the explosions of supernovae in the Milky Way galaxy occur once or twice over the time span of per century, is utterly unable to explain the observed frequency as like that: “occur all over the sky approximately one per day”, “occurred roughly once a day”, “GRBs occur randomly several times a day without warning”. Reason 3: (again let us temporarily put aside reason 1), if the GRBs observed nearby our Earth are ascribed to the explosions of supernovae in foreign galaxies, then the GZK limit in the famous GZK paradox utterly denies this possibility.

Reference #1: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 1(1/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-4913-9.
Reference #2: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 2(2/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-5033-3.

Ph.D., Bingcheng Zhao,
The author of “From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics”
1401 NE Merman Dr. Apt. 703, Pullman, WA 99163 USA.

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